The residence permit is a benefit of international law in order to establish public safety and order and to minimize possible risks. In order to become a holder of a residence permit, it is necessary to meet the requirements regulated by law. Residence permit is obtained by foreign nationals to stay in the Republic of Turkey for more than ninety days. Because it is not legally possible to exceed the legal period without a residence permit. The residence permit, which is also used as a residence permit in practice, is regulated by laws and these laws are:
- Law on Foreigners and International Protection
- Law No. 5683 on Residence and Travel of Foreigners in Turkey
It is implemented to.
Although foreign nationals with residence permit exemptions are considered exempt, it is mandatory for all foreign nationals to obtain a residence permit in order to be present in the Republic of Turkey for periods exceeding the visa period. Residence permits are divided into different types according to the needs of foreign nationals to be in Turkey:
- Short Term Residence Permit,
- Long Term Residence Permit,
- Family Residence Permit,
- Student Residence Permit,
- Humanitarian Residence Permit,
- Trafficking Victim Residence Permit.
Whichever of the types of permits expressed is appropriate for the foreign national who intends to apply for a residence permit, the application is made by taking into account the permission and legal requirements.
It is not possible for a foreign national to work legally in our country without the application and approval of a foreign work permit. It is necessary to apply to the Ministry of Labor with the necessary documents for a work permit.
First of all, it should be noted that the application for foreign personnel work permit can be made in 2 different ways. These are international and domestic applications. Documents Required for Foreign Work Permit
The documents required for work permits of foreigners are not the same for the private sector and home services. You can find the list of documents required for both below.
- Activity Certificate
- Tourism Operation Certificate for Touristic Facilities
- Trade Registry Gazette Showing the Latest Capital and Partnership Status of the Company
- Financials Approved by the Tax Office or Certified Public Accountant for the Last Year
- Authorization via e-signature
- Domestic application for at least 6 months residence permit
- Consular reference number for overseas application
- Copy of passport
- Copy of diploma or provisional graduation certificate
- 1 Passport photo
Documents to be Provided by the Employer
- E-signature
- Registered Population Registration Sample
- Doctor’s report if taken for the elderly or sick
Documents to be Provided by the Employee
- Domestic application for at least 6 months residence permit
- Consular reference number for overseas application
- Copy of passport
- 1 Passport photo
A work permit provides foreigners with the right to work and reside in Turkey. Work permit of foreigners; It is issued by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services in the form of an official document. The work permit of foreigners is stipulated in accordance with the relevant provision of the International Labor Force Law No. 6735. The fact that foreigners who want to work in Turkey do not obtain a work permit and work in this way requires the sanction of administrative fines and a temporary entry ban.
In this respect, foreigners who want to work in Turkey must apply for a work permit and have this permit with the positive result of their application. The application is made to the Ministry of Labor together with the necessary documents. Applications are taken into consideration by evaluating the conditions in working life and employment, taking into account the current finance, business and economic situation of the country.
It is not possible for foreigners to obtain work permits on behalf of professions specific only to Turkish citizens in the laws . Following this process, which requires legal knowledge and technique, meticulously; In order to avoid rights, time and financial losses, foreignersoblige to get help from their lawyers.
Types of Work Permits
Work permit of foreigners;
- Temporary work permit,
- Permanent work permit,
- Independent work permit,
It is divided into three different types.
- Temporary Work Permit
If the work permit application of the foreignersis found appropriate, the foreigner shall be granted a work permit for a maximum period of one year, provided that the duration of the employment or service contract does not exceed the period of the work or service contract, provided that he works in a certain workplace belonging to a real or legal person or public institution or organization or in the workplaces in the same business line of their work.
A person who requests an extension of the leave period may apply for an extension in accordance with this request. If the application is met positively, the foreigner is allowed up to a maximum of 2 years in the first extension application and up to a maximum of 3 years in the subsequent extension applications.
- Permanent Work Permit
Within the scope of Law No. 6458, it is possible for people who have a long-term residence permit or a minimum of 8 years of legal work permit in Turkey to apply for this type of permit. However, meeting the conditions required for the application does not necessarily mean that the application will have a positive result.
- Independent Work Permit
Independent work permit is granted to foreigners who are members of the professional profession provided that the special conditions regulated in other laws are met. Certain considerations are taken into account in the evaluation of the application. These points are the issues of the foreigner; level of education, professional experience, the impact of investment or activities in Turkey on employment and the country’s economy, contribution to science and technology and other issues to be considered by the Ministry. This permission is subject to a grace period.
How to Apply for a Work Permit?
How to Get a Foreign Work Permit?
The application for a foreign work permit is made in two different ways;
The foreign national makes the first application to the Turkish Consulate in his own country or in the country where he / she has a legal permission to stay together with the invitation and employment contract given from the company where he / she will work in Turkey and is given a reference number to be used in the work permit application to be made through the e-work permit system.
The employer or representative using this reference number completes the foreign work permit application within 10 working days and sends the file online to the General Directorate of International Labor Force with an e-signature.
Foreigners who have obtained a residence permit for at least 6 months (application can be made at any time before the expiry of the period) obtained in Turkey can apply without going abroad.
Again, after the application to be made by the employer or his legal representative through the e-work permit system, the application form is delivered to the Ministry of Labor online with e-signature within 6 working days.
No documents will be sent to the ministry unless requested during the application. All documents will be scanned and uploaded online to the system with e-signature.